Noon Prayer

My latest blog posts – prayers for simple occasions.

For Each Day

vincent van gogh street with womenLord God, I am so often lost in the daily drudgery and concerns of work. I am too often focused on the world. I am afraid of the threat of trouble and disharmony. Lift my eyes to heaven, dear Lord, and help me to focus on the perfect peace of Christ. Give me His spirit of love for the fallen world.

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A Cheerful Heart

For Each Day

vincent van gogh olive groveDear God, Help me to keep a cheerful heart. I sometimes let circumstances and trials overcome my emotions. I let stress dictate my responses and I act in less than a loving way to people around me. Lord, give me patience and a happy spirit when I prefer my temper. Keep me from indulging my sense of injury. I thank You for those whose own cheerful hearts uplift me and give me perspective. Lord, forgive me for considering myself more important than others.

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